Western Australia’s Gage Roads Brewing has announced it’s building a microbrewery and taproom in Sydney.
The 578 square metre facility will be located in a currently empty warehouse in the inner-city suburb of Redfern and is expected to cost $3 million.
It’s expected to open in early 2020.
National marketing executive Miles Hull told Perth Now: “This particular expansion is part of our strategy to double-down our efforts of distribution and awareness, a chance to have a footprint and a home on the east coast and be local. We’re really excited.”
The company is also looking to expand into opening venues in other NSW cities, as well as Queensland and Victoria.
“We’re looking to launch a new sub brand on this particular site that will brew a new range, some existing but some new beers as well,” Hull added to Beer & Brewer. “We’re really excited about the opportunity that this provides us to bring out some new products that will be specific for that particular market.
“We understand the importance of being local to market, and what we are desiring to do is provide some brewing capacity on the eastern seaboard and also provide a hospitality component to those breweries.
The venue will include a 250-seat hospitality component, with Stew Wheeler (above) as general manager of hospitality to oversee construction of the venue and its management upon completion.
Wheeler is currently based in Hong Kong as general manager of hospitality for Lion and has spent the last five years building international Little Creatures brewery venues in Hong Kong, Singapore, London and San Francisco.
He was previously general manager of hospitality for XXXX and James Boag at Lion Nathan.
Gage Roads, which has brands including Single Fin Summer Ale and Alby, flagged the expansion into brewpubs at its annual meeting in November.