Licence renewals in Victoria go digital

December 21, 2021
By Ioni Doherty

Full payment for renewing all Victorian liquor licences, regardless of when issued, is due by 31 December 2021.

The VCGLR suggests that renewing licences digitally via the licensee’s liquor portal account is the most efficient way to go. Once payment is made, renewal notices and liquor licences will be sent via email within five working days for venues to print off and display at the venue.

To receive the annual renewal notice via email, businesses need to register a Liquor Portal account, sync the licence and sign-up for eLicence.

Payment is due in full by 31 December irrespective of when the licence was granted, and each licence incurs a separate fee.

Businesses without a Liquor Portal account and choosing to receive licence renewals via post need to ensure postal address details are up to date.

For information on licence fees see: Liquor fees and fines 1 July 2021.

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