Same delivery training deadline

September 27, 2021
By Ioni Doherty

The deadline for same day alcohol delivery mandatory training is Wednesday, 1 December.

The new mandatory Responsible Supply of Alcohol Training (RSAT) requirement has been introduced for same day delivery persons under the Sydney 24-hour economy reforms.

To work in the industry, same day alcohol delivery persons must complete the RSAT training and the Liquor & Gaming NSW online RSAT assessment by 1 December 2021. There are no exemptions. 

To gain the RSAT certification, employees must:

  • complete RSAT with Liquor & Gaming NSW (L&GNSW) or with any same day delivery provider, delivery agent or Registered Training Organisation offering the training and
  • pass the L&GNSW online RSAT assessment.

The new RSAT training and online assessment are available on the TAFE NSW learning platform.  

NSW Liquor and Gaming suggest that workers complete the training as soon as possible to avoid the last-minute rush and potential delays closer to the 1 December 2021 deadline.

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