Asahi Beverages has announced Group CEO Oceania, Robert Iervasi, will leave the business to spend more time with his family for personal reasons and to enjoy a career break.

A statement from Asahi said it was “with regret” that they farewelled Iervasi from his position after he joined the company 16 years ago in 2006.

Roland van Bommel, Chairman of Asahi Holdings Australia, said the company wishes all the very best for Iervasi and his family in the future.

“Robert joined Asahi Beverages in 2006 and during this time he worked across many aspects of the business. In 2019, he was promoted to Group CEO of our Oceania business.

“Robert played a critical role in the successful integration of Carlton & United Breweries and the Oceania business has delivered consistent business results under his leadership.

“Asahi Beverages is delighted to announce that we have appointed Amanda Sellers, our Group Chief Financial Officer, as our interim Group CEO Oceania, effective immediately, whilst we work through a permanent replacement for this role. Amanda is an incredibly talented leader and we are fortunate to have her as our interim CEO,” said van Bommel.

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