Walmart customer banned for swigging wine from Pringles can

January 14, 2019
By Alana House

A woman has been banned from Walmart after riding an electric shopping cart around its parking lot while swigging wine from a Pringles can. 

According to Times Record News: “Wichita Falls police received a rather unique call Friday morning involving a woman drinking wine in a Walmart parking lot.

Employees requested officers to ban a woman from the local Walmart store after she reportedly had been drinking wine from a Pringles can for several hours while riding on an electric cart.”

The shopping cart is the type more commonly used for people with physical limitations and the suspect had been taking it for a spin around in the Texas store’s parking lot since 6:30am.

Many questions remain unanswered, such as why she was using the Pringles can as a wine glass and whether she ate the chips before filling the container with booze. Oh, and simply why.  

However, The Beaverton‘s guide to Pringle and wine matching does suggest BBQ flavour goes rather well with riesling …

Social media has found the report highly entertaining.

Here are some of the tweets:

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