World-renowned Belgian-brewery Rodenbach has launched a new beer to the Australian market: Rodenbach Fruitage. A blend of ales aged for various lengths of time and cherries, the new release has been crafted as a light and refreshing option with a sweet-sour taste with fruity notes.
“This unique beer is a blend of ripened and aged ale, young ale, and 7% cherries, created through a meticulous mixed fermentation process,” said Rodenbach in a product release statement issued to media.
“The main fermentation and warm maturation occur with top-fermenting yeasts at ambient temperatures (15°C – 25°C). Secondary fermentation takes place over a two-year maturation period in oak casks, facilitated by bacterial flora (including lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria) and wild yeasts (such as Brettanomyces) present in the oak. These microorganisms initially produce organic acids, which are then transformed into fruity esters, giving Fruitage its distinctively vibrant taste.”
The beer component of Rodenbach Fruitage includes young acidified, mature acidified, and oak-matured brews, a combination which is said to lower the acidity and extend its shelf life: “the long-term maturation in oak casks imparts a complex and agreeable flavour to the sour beer, giving it a refined and noble character.”
The unique flavour profile also tailors it to cocktail experimentation, with Rodenbach’s brewmaster Rudi Ghequire recommending the additions of ice cubes, a slice of lime, and mint.
Rodenbach Fruitage is available to purchase now from Dan Murphy’s and BWS at $17 per 4-pack or $85 per case.