
Hangover preventing Prepear drink launches

February 17, 2020
By Alana House

Prepear, a new beverage that focuses on hangover prevention, has been created by a team of Canberra entrepreneurs.

While most hangover remedies emphasise recovery after the hangover has occurred, Prepear is designed to be consumed before it begins. 

The team recently finishing the Griffin Accelerator program, an initiative to support promising start-ups, with Prepear launching to strong online sales.

The origin of the product comes from the team’s discovery of a study by the CSIRO that demonstrated the effectiveness of Korean Pears at preventing hangover symptoms.

However this was a job half done. Despite being amazed by the results of the Korean Pear, the team sought an even more effective, scientific solution to feeling better in the morning.

With the consultation of scientist Dr Abed Chaudhury (Ph.D. Molecular Biology), the team came across another effective ingredient: Dihydromyricetin (DHM). DHM is a compound found only in a select few species of plant, unfortunately absent from the Korean Pear. 

Using a plant called the Oriental Raisin as a high quality source of DHM, in addition to cold pressed Korean Pear juice, the team at Prepear Drink Company has formulated a beverage that has been optimised to reduce the effects of a hangover.


Using premium Aussie fruit and made in Sydney, Prepear is available online ( and soon to be stocked in selected stores. 

For optimal results, it should be consumed at least 30 minutes prior to alcohol.

A four-pack is priced at $24.95 and the eight-pack is $47.95.

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